Outdoor Aluminum Old Glory LED Yard Sticker Package
Outdoor Old Glory Yard Sticker Package
Display your patriotism to the neighborhood with American Made metal art! Our best selling and most popular flag is now available for the yard or garden. Made from marine grade, 16 gauge aluminum, hand painted & powder coated.
Package Includes:
Marine Grade Aluminum Flag
Hand Painted Stars and Stripes
Protective Powder Coating
32" Yard Sticker Rod with extra foot rod
Pre-Bent Mounting Tabs for Simple Installation
Solar LED Yard Light to Illuminate Flag at Night
Options Include:
Flat or Wavy Flag
Double Sided Paint
Extra Tall Mounting Rod
The flag pictured has been on the side of my garage in Wisconsin for nearly 4 years. Zoom in to see how vibrant the colors still are. This side of my garage gets direct sunlight about half of the day, all summer, all winter......365 days a year. This is not an exaggeration or trick photography, it is a testament to how good our baked on protective powder coat is and how well our coloring process stands up to the elements. Constant direct sunlight may fade colors over time, but as you can see, it is possible to get a nice long life out of your flag with proper location.